Metal enameling technique

The enamelling process comprises 3 main stages:

1- preparation of the parts by shot blasting, essential for the mechanical adhesion of the enamel

2- application of an enamel primer by liquid spraying, followed by drying and firing at 830°C to allow the cast iron to degas and harden,

3- the top coat is applied, dried and baked at 780°C.

Our various enamel formulations are prepared on site in liquid form from our main raw material, enamel frit = essentially silica.

Enamel is 100% mineral and 100% aqueous.

The different phases in the enamelling process for cast iron objects

grenaillage des planchas pour obtenir une "macro rugosité" homogène en surface
shot blasting to obtain a homogeneous "macro roughness" on the surface
premier contrôle visuel et correction éventuelle de petits défauts avant processus d'émaillage
visual inspection and correction of any minor defects before the enamelling process
pistolage de la masse (couche primaire d'émail) avant première cuisson
spraying the enamel primer
première cuisson sur four à tapis température 830°C ~ 12 minutes
first baking on conveyor oven temperature 830°C ~ 12 minutes
pistolage de la couche d'émail de finition
spraying the top coat of enamel
deuxième cuisson : vitrification de la couche d'émail de finition à 780°C ~ 12 minutes
vitrification of the top coat of enamel at 780°C ~ 12 minutes
sortie du four à tapis deuxième cuisson
out of the conveyor oven second baking
poste de refroidissement
cooling station
ultime contrôle visuel avant conditionnement
quality control before packaging
planchas émaillées à l'emballage

Watch a video of the enamelling process for cast-iron planchas

If you have a project concerning enamelling in general or would like further information, please visit our contact page. We will do our utmost to satisfy you as quickly as possible.